Saturday, March 28, 2015

"The Reservation"

Reservations are areas set aside for North American Indians. They live, most of them their whole lives cooped up in these reservations surrounded by poverty and drunkeness. But it is apart of their culture now, although even that is slowly declining.
 The Indians of these Reservations have culture and tradition just as anyone else. They are all about family and friends and mother mature. But how are we? People of the U.S. who come from multiple different backgrounds.
 In my neighborhood most of the people there aren't as friendly or as open or inviting as the Indians. Some may suffer and face they same things they do. But they are nothing like Indians. We don't even really appreciate their backgrounds and the cultures of them as much as people used to. And that is very unfortunate. We don't seem as if we'd even like to revive old tradtions, on the other hand as seen in the 30 Days video the Dennison's wept because they were losing their Navajo culture and language. They are and will continue to do everything possible to get that back like teaching children in school the difficult language of the Navajo people. We on the other hand don't even seem to care.

Monday, January 19, 2015

A Principle to Keep

No matter what there is always something that a person vows to live by. Whether it be something that takes a lot of concentration and willpower or something easy to live by. But the principle that I will always live by is to stay true to myself. No one knows me better than me. Therefore its only right that I always be myself and not try to change the way I am and who I am for anyone. I feel that the most important thing someone can do for themselves is to never try to be someone you're not. Put yourself first, and make sure that you're happy with who you are despite of how others view you or what they think of you.